Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The first meeting.

The first meeting of a new group is always a little nerve-wracking. During tonight's session, however, the ice was broken in the most unusual of ways- by a plastic lifelike baby doll. One of our young people was placed in full charge of a realistic plastic 'baby' that she had to care for over 24 hours. This meant that during our introductions and initial exercises to get to know the group, we had real life baby wails and nappies to be changed! It certainly made for an unusual session!

We developed our working contract which will underpin the way that we will work together as a group, how we will achieve our goals and aims and the expectations of both group and leader.

Myself and my coworker Jonny are really excited by the group and being given the opportunity to watch as they start on this amazing learning opportunity.


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