Apologies for our radio silence.
The group have been so busy, what with school studies, part-time jobs and real-life.
Reece has just started a new course in Hairdressing with a local college and Samantha has just passed her driving test! Some good news for our group :)
The group had a visitor last week in the form of a member of staff from a local Mental Health charity called Aware Defeat Depression. They are a great charity and they came in and delivered a programme called Mood Matters to our group. It was looking at famous people who had depression and other mental health issues, how we can spot the tell tale signs if anyone in our social circles or families is dealing with any health problems and then finally, where to go if we think we or someone we know might need help.
It was quite useful, but what was more useful was the discussion the group was able to have around the topic. We are really open and honest with one another and that was much more useful for all of us.
For now, thats all!
Friends Forever group :)